Month: January 2023

Garage Steel VS Wood Door

Garage Steel VS Wood Door

Are you trying to decide if a wood or steel garage door is right for your home? There are many considerations when choosing a garage door, such as color, design, and style. The material determines, among other things, the first impression, durability, and ongoing maintenance of your door. Steel...

What Is A Carriage Style Garage Door?

What Is A Carriage Style Garage Door?

Carriage-style garage doors harken back to a time when people relied on horses for transportation. They are garage doors, as the name implies. These carriage-style doors are modeled after a mid-century carriage door. These carriage garage doors add a unique look to your home's exterior and...

Which Garage Door Is Best For Residential Property Owners?

Which Garage Door Is Best For Residential Property Owners?

If your home has a garage with a front-facing entrance, when visitors pull into your driveway or drive by, the garage door will be the first thing they notice. So, choose a garage door wisely if you are thinking about installing one. You should also select the color, finish, door material, and...

Torsion Spring VS Extension Spring

Torsion Spring VS Extension Spring

Having a vehicle carries along with it many needs. A garage protects your vehicle and any equipment stored there. People who do not have a garage have to incur monthly parking fees. Some states have certain restrictions on parking vehicles. In some states, you cannot park your vehicle on the...

Chain Drive Vs Belt Drive Garage Door Opener

Chain Drive Vs Belt Drive Garage Door Opener

When choosing a garage door opener, the two main options are; a belt drive or a chain drive. There are some factors you should consider regarding the way, the driving opener works on the garage door daily. You can make a better decision for your garage after you learn more about the differences...

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