Garage Door Repair and Installation in Saratoga Springs
You’ve spent a fantastic day out with the family at Saratoga Hot Springs and you return home to find your garage door won’t open. That’s all you need, right? Instead of letting this ruin your day, you can call Powell Garage Doors to help with garage door repair in Saratoga Springs. You’ll be back in your home in no time.
Get a Free Quote for Garage Repair or Installation In or Around Saratoga Springs Now!
First, let’s take a look at some of the most common types of garage door repairs in Saratoga Springs.
Garage Door Repair in Saratoga Springs
It’s easy to jump to conclusions when your garage door is broken. Whether it’s squeaking and making a lot of noise or it isn’t opening up at all, this doesn’t mean you automatically need a new one. In fact, the repair may be simpler than you think.
At Powell Garage Doors, we have many years of experience, which means we’ve seen it all before. Our skilled team can deal with all makes of models of residential garage doors. So, a garage door repair service may be all you need. Don’t worry about the cost; we offer a best price guarantee to make sure you enjoy the best deal.
Common Garage Door Repair Issues
A lot of homeowners call us saying their garage door won’t stay open. This can be down to a faulty spring or a problem with the spring system. This can be dangerous and we recommend contacting us without trying to solve the problem yourself. If the garage door is shutting too quickly, it could be the springs or cables and it’s another instance of something we should deal with to avoid you getting injured.
Another common garage door repair in Saratoga Springs is that the door doesn’t close. This can happen because you use your garage door on a daily basis. Perhaps it’s something simple like the sensors needing to be adjusted. But in other cases, it could be to do with the limit switch or something a member of our team will need to diagnose.
If your garage door is making a lot of noise, such as squeaking and creaking, it may need lubricating. But it can also signify that parts have become worn down or damaged and need to be replaced.
Find Garage Door Repair Near You!
At Powell Garage Doors, we offer you professional and responsive garage door repairs in Saratoga Springs. Don’t hesitate to give us a call if you’re having a problem with your garage door. Our best price match guarantee means you don’t find a better deal anywhere in town!
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