garage door springs

Fixing the Garage Door Spring: A DIY Guide

Fixing the Garage Door Spring: A DIY Guide

You're just about to leave for work, your coffee steaming and car keys jingling, when the unexpected happens: a stubborn garage door refusing to open due to a faulty spring. Envisaging hefty repair costs can make your heart sink, but what if you could tend to it yourself? This comprehensive DIY...

Why Should You Upgrade Your Garage Door Springs?

Why Should You Upgrade Your Garage Door Springs?

Imagine your home as a fortress. The garage door, one of the main entrances, plays a crucial role in ensuring security. But what happens when the garage door springs are worn out and can't function optimally? Your fortress becomes susceptible to breaches! By upgrading your garage door springs,...

Torsion Spring VS Extension Spring

Torsion Spring VS Extension Spring

Having a vehicle carries along with it many needs. A garage protects your vehicle and any equipment stored there. People who do not have a garage have to incur monthly parking fees. Some states have certain restrictions on parking vehicles. In some states, you cannot park your vehicle on the...

Do Commercial Garage Doors Need Maintenance?

Yes, a commercial garage door requires maintenance. One of the most outstanding features of a workshop is the garage door. Most industrial doors are twelve feet high, made of sectional steel and aluminum. Some are non-insulated steel doors, while others are insulated steel doors. Nonetheless, the...

Signs That Your Lehi Garage Door Spring Is Broken

If either side of the garage door spring is broken, the door will be crooked, and it will move up and down on its tracks and posts. When the spring breaks, the whole system is messed up thus spring repair is necessary. The pulleys and cables loosen and are left hanging down from the ceiling and...

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